Tuesday, July 18, 2006

July 8, The Cruisers Have Reached!

(All of these pictures are curtesy of Fleet Captain Joe.)

Party on Sporty Girl

Irv, Dora, and Dawn

Joe presents a Cruising Flag to new cruisers Dawn and Mike on "Til Dawn."

Irv and Dora get a gold stars.

Joe presents gold stars to Sigi on "Transit Time."

Exploring Spanish Cay in dinghys

Dora and Joannie find a big conch

A Hermit Crab has taken up residence in an empty conch shell. Too bad it is not as easy for Floridians to take up residence in the Bahamas!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July 8, The OPYC Cruisers Leave at First Light

Mike and Dawn, on Til Dawn

Joan and Joe on Sea Witch

Sporty Girl met Sea Witch and Til Dawn in the Intracoastal, and the three boats proceeded to Old Bahama Bay.

Swamp Thing had generator and air conditioner problems. They are shown leaving the marina at 9:30, heading to Hutchinson Island for a week's vacation.

Sigi, Harry and Valeria, and other crew on Transit Time left North Palm on Monday, and unfortunately had engine problems. As of Tuesday, July 11 they are at Spanish Cay, awaiting Mechanic Jim.

July 5, OPYC Pre-cruise Meeting

Fleet Captain Joe leads the pre-cruise meeting. Also shown are Sheila and Bill Tregoning. Hidden behind Bill is their captain, Sam.

Dora, Irv, and Joannie listen intently.

Also Tom and Kay

Not present for the meeting were Dawn and Mike, and Sigi